there be a change..

It’s a strange thing, becoming a parent. Perhaps the most life defining thing to happen to you. Whether you are single/ married/ other, surely we inevitably go through the same feelings and motions in those first few weeks of our precious child’s life? Then how come, now that we have done it once, does it feel just as daunting, epic and terrifying as it did when we first brought Maia home from the hospital? Aren’t  we supposed to know it all already?

 As if the lack of sleep isn’t killer enough, poor little Lilypops seems to be affected by the nightmare that is colic. We think. It is possible its more related to feeding, but that is an on-going in house investigation. Update to follow. This whole past week has been a blur of crying and feeding, if we weren’t doing one, we were doing the other.  Difficult as hell trying to see to a (very) demanding baby, and looking after a toddler too. And guess what? It all starts the day Mark returned to work…lucky git!


Mark certainly was a happy boy today- he FINALLY got to go rafting! The poor thing has been a slave to the pregnancy, and therefore not having had much of a chance these last few months of summer to go up the road for a bit of wilderness adventuring and being all manly. I am very grateful for the consideration his bosses have shown, but I’m pretty sure Mark would say he’s been frustrated ;) Boys and their toys and what not. Whilst I’m at it, a bit of shameless self-promotion in a condensed action packed movie…


Now, afore mentioned husband turns 25 in a little under two weeks, and I’ll be damned if I’m not having a challenge when it comes to his birthday present. For once, when I know EXACTLY what I want to get, there is a whiff of conspiracy of fate that is preventing me in getting EXACTLY what I want. Bless, I bet you are reading this, Mark, and probably wondering if what I am saying is true, or if it’s a ploy to throw you off the scent and pretend like you might not get what you want. So which is it? Stay tuned.

Dear mother and father in law shall be arriving a few days before Marks birthday, and we seem to have a fully packed schedule for the weekend. We’ve a special birthday dinner and trip for Marks birthday on the Friday, bestest Charliebear’s first birthday and party on the Saturday and Lilypop’s Christening on the Sunday.  Mmmm I can taste all the yummy fika already <3

In fact, the whole autumn is pretty busy for us. Michelle and Frederik are here visiting from Denmark right now, then they leave this coming wedns, and the inlaws arrive the following wedn. When they leave there’s only a few days until GeeGee (great gran, ‘’GG’’) aka Nana, arrives and by the time she is due to go back its only a couple of weeks until Maia turns 2. So lets not even mention how quickly Christmas is coming up ;)

Right folks, thats is about all I have the time and energy for this time =) Hopefully as we settle into our new routines and life as a foursome I shall be better able to manage my time and get on here more often ;)

Much love to you all, and hope you're all having a good weekend

<3 Kim, Mark, Maia & Lily 




and then there were four...

Good afternoon!

Today is day 6 at Casa Wilson with the newest edition, Lily Elizabeth.

Currently, there are two little girlies happily snoozing away, and Mark and I are enjoying a spot of lunch and a well deserved cuppa! Seems like I finally have some time to update you all...

Things were rather quiet on the home front as you may have noticed, the days leading up to our due date of 24th Aug where full of anticipation and expectations. A bit of teasing from some braxton hicks, a few tears of frustration and a lot of sulking that this little bubba wasn't ''behaving'' and turning up when she was ment to!?

Second babies aren't ment to be late, especially since number one was pretty much on time, bar 29mins. That was my reasoning anyway. Poor Mark, the grief he got those 7days we were over due...I'm suprised I am still married!

Imagine, the relief when things finally started happening for real... then almost instantly followed by a stark realisation and a mental ''oh sh!t'' moment when I get smacked by waves of emotions and memories of what is still to come!

Actually, my first thoughts when I woke up, just after 1am, was ''great, here we go again! another sleepless night for nothing'' as I had by this point resigned myself to the belief that I was going to be pregnant forever. I can't remember how long before I woke Mark up, but I did make myself a cup of tea and a sarnie before jumping in the bath, which was utter bliss.


After getting out of the bath, we made another cuppa, mosied on in to a cosy-lit living room and started half-heartedly timing the contractions whilst chilling out to some nice music. And bouncing on the gym ball. Always on that gymball...was blimmin' relieved to see the end of that yesterday when we let out the air I tell thee! After week 37 I spent, sorry, wasted, too much time and energy bouncing on that thing to try and bring something on ;)

Anyhoo, so around 3am we decide to give mum and dad a tinkle to pre warn them that it was looking very likely that they would be needed for Maia duty. About 45mins after the cavalry arriving, and a bit of nagging from Mark and mum, I phoned labour ward to say that we might be on our way shortly as contractions were between 4 and 6 mins apart and lasting for more than a minute. I didn't really think, or want to believe, that things were happening, I mean after 12 hours of labour with Maia I was only open 4cm, so now after 3 hours I would hardly have made much progress... plus the fact that the contractions weren't painful to the point of crying which is how I remembered them from last time.

The very nice midwife on the phone, May, thought it best we pop by for a check up, as she doesn't ''trust you second timers one bit''. Cue mad dash by Marko for the car seat and bags and loading them in car, whilst I got more appropriately dressed, and then a swift drive to town. Arrival time at labour ward approx 4.45am.

Bibi met us at the entrance, another very nice lady who showed us into a delivery room and then nipped out to get the midwife, May, who we spoke to on the phone. A quick bit of monitoring on the CTG, with plenty of gas and air at this point, and an examination later, I cried with relief when we found out I was open a good 7cm already!! Go Team Wilson GO!

Now I don't actually have any concept of time for the rest of it, and neither does Mark. Though I can remember being a bit disappointed that there were no birthing pools available haha. Even so, I was told, there would be no time for any of that and I would have to make do with gas and air. eeeeek!

And then, finally, at 6.10am on thursday 1st September 2011, Lily Elizabeth Wilson came into the world


So far, things are going good. We are managing to get a decent amount of kip , tag teaming during the day, and trying to fiugre out the new dynamics of being a family of four and all that entails. We have even managed a trip or two out and about, although not very far or for too long hehe. We shall save that for when the weather is a bit nicer as currently it is very windy and wet outside- proper autumn! Bring on the cosy jumpers and darker evenings I say!

I think I shall leave it there for now, seems a rather long entry as it is lol.

Take care & until next time!

<3 Kim, Mark, Maia & Lily


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