the waiting game...

So this is the first update in a while... I wish I could tell you we've been up to all sorts of fabulous and thrilling adventures, but we haven't. 

We've actually been taking it rather easy and chilled out, borderlining extreme boredom at some times haha, as dear little Maia passed on her horrid cold and I really took a knock! Out for best part of the week with dear Marko even having to take time off work to be at home to take care of Maia =) Bless him, he really does know how to look after us! <3


Mark is very busy working on the house, its starting to look really smart now. Nice new wooden stairs leading to front door rather than the horrid concrete ones, and the balconies are off, new cycle shed up, old one down, new paths made out ( not quite done  yet though) and tomorrow they start working on the final side that needs to be clad in wood.  We've even aquired some amazing and rather large plantpots that look ''oh-so-fah-bhu-lush'' and very very pretty =D

Had a mini practice getting to the hospital yesterday, when I experienced some really not very nice pain in the side of my tummy, that didnt let off for just over an hour and we were advised to go in just to check on things. 
Being hooked up to the monitor was all very reassuring as everything is A-OK, as good as can be with madam and she's even partly engaged now which is a bit of a whoop whoop! Also, showed some promising signs of a few mini contractions, though very irregular, but least it is a start!

So, the first thing on the agenda when we got back home was for a bit of a kip, spot of lunch and then a jolly good tidy up! Only thing that isn't done to a satisfactory level is the laundry, but least the floors have been properly mopped and bags are all packed waiting with the carseat ;)

Today I am off to see the midwife again, after last weeks appt little lady still wasnt in a satisfactory position so we troopered off for another scan ( yay ) which showed her to at least have been head down. And now, after yesterdays adventure things are defo where they should be =) 

I am hoping after my mini ''mini breakdown'' last week and discussion about all the fears of her not engaging and ending up with a section etc etc, the midwife might take pity on me and do a sweep as appears to not be so common (sorry, bad use of word for lack of a better) as back in the UK until AFTER you hit 40weeks, and we are 39 on wedns. Also, here, I will not be classed as overdue until gone 42 weeks. Crazy sh*t.


Methinks that is all for the moment, a very quick summary of what is and has been going on at Casa Wilson =)

I shall endeavour to update a little bit more frequently haha, it's just sometimes hard to write about doing sod all and chilling out ;) Not that I am complaining about that my friends!

Hope you have all had great weekends and aren't too disheartened about it being monday again already! You never know, hopefully we might all have something to celebrate by the end of the week <3

Much love to you all, take care!

<3 Kim


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