Hello world!

Hello & Welcome to life á la Wilson <3

Created firstly as a base and more personal area to keep our friends and family updated on our new lives in northern Sweden, but who knows what it may turn out to be !

We hope to chronicle our journey that is now about to start after our first year here, settling into jobs, nurseries, and preparing for the much longed for arrival of darling daughter no2, due August 24th =)

This first year has been a real adventure; for Mark more so I would think. He's taken on the challange of learning a new language, doing incredibly well, and I think maybe he suprised himself with how blimmin' clever he actually is!
 He's gotten his full Whitewater Rafting licence, spending lots of time away in Ekorrsele which has also introduced him to the varied and beautiful wilderness of the wild north. He's munched on moose/elk, reindeer, fish caught fresh from the river he rafts, and learnt abit about authentic nordic cuisine.  He's also got himself a skidoo licence, so a snowmobile is now high on the wish list!
 His next project  involves a turn to the artistic rather than the practical... perhaps the creative side of him was stirred when we had our intensive sewing phase, which has been somewhat put on hold as he & I both are very busy now over the summer months!

It's been a big year for Maia since moving here, she's learnt to crawl, walk and even talk! my oh my, where the heck did the time go?!
To be fair,  it would have been a big year for her anyways ;) The whole process of growing up, every month, week even, bringing a new challange and phase for her, learning new things all the time.
We were so incredibly lucky when it came to the time of her starting nursery. Originally, she was in a queue for the nursery along the road that we live on, but they are a very popular nursery, so she got a temporary placement with a childminder who also lived near by.
As chance would have it, her childminder had led a swenglish life herself for some time, so knew through personal experience what it is like trying to raise a child with more than one language. I had been a bit concerned with how Maia might have been percieved if she was babbling babyspeak in english rather than swedish and been labelled as ''slow'' !?
I needn't have worried though, its fascinating to see her carrying out tasks whether we ask her in swedish or in english, and listening to her speaking is great =) There isn't a massive range in her vocab as of yet, about 15-20words, most she knows in both languages and to me, thats pretty great!

For me, this year since last july has been one big rollercoaster! Especially in the last few months....
Pregnancy the second time around hasn't been as easy as when we were expecting Maia. Nausea up until week 18/19 and juggling work with a busy homelife and energetic toddler = more tired and emotional mamma this time around!  I am incredibly grateful that I have such a caring & considerate husband haha, thankfully he's not told me to bugger off and that he's sick of me =)
I got to start off gently into the role of being a working mother, puzzling together working hours as to when I could get a babysitter for Maia, which was shared  between my dad and brother thanks to their flexible working days. Over here, the parental leave is very different from the Uk, and therefore it's almost unheard of for a child needing to be in a nursery/childminders before the age of one, I think the average is around 18 months once mums and dads have used up all the available days to stay at home.
It was really fab having the chance to ease myself into it, so once it came to Maia starting with her childminders at the end of november I felt ready to start working fulltime again. Now I have only 2 weeks left until I go on parental leave, and I am well and truly on the countdown as working during a hot summer heavily pregnant is taking its toll haha, lovely swollen feet that ache all helps that special glow you're supposed to have ;)

Take care friends, much love to you all =)

<3 Kim


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